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5 easy fast steps to make it happen!

Step 1 - Add the box holder

We need to add the box element in order to place widget and wix element you would like to be scrolled at one place. So widget will understand which element you would like to be scrolled. Recommended to use transparent one.

Step 2 -  Add widget element

Add "scrolling element" from App Widgets section. Inside the editor widget will display it's logo. However it won't be shown on the live (published) site. We display the logo inside the widget in editor for you to easy find the widget.

Step 3 -  Add wix' element

Add any wix element you would like to be scrolled. 
Can be image, video, button, text and event another box with different content inside. 
Actually whatever you want.

Step 4 - Place widget and wix' element to the box we created in "step 1".

You can resize WIX' element as you want it to be displayed in the site. You can also position it inside the box as you like at this step.
You can resize the widget and place it anywhere inside the same box with element it won't take impact on anything.

You can have only one element inside the box along with the widget. As widget settings applicable to one element only.
In case you want add more elements place them inside new box 
and place that box inside initial box along with the widget.
You can have as many boxes with the widget + element as you like at the page. Just follow the logic of 1 element long with widget per box.

Step 5 - Set up the scrolling behaviors using the widget settings, publish, enjoy!

A lot of various settings can be adjusted to get different and unique scrolling behaviors. 
Play with them, publish your site and test how it looks!

It's really powerful instrument in your hands.
However, in order to get best results learn more about the widget settings on our parameters page.

Easy as that :)

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